Sunday, May 16, 2010

Exploring animals habits

Caused by the growing recognition of our animal exploring project international scientists are becoming more and more interested in the results. At the moment a team of biologists, physicists and veteranaries is beeing formed with the goal to find out more about the animals habits, origin and geographic range.
From all facts that we have found out so far arise more questions. It is still doubtable if the creature that has been seen is a member of a new, yet undiscovered species.It might also be just a single mutant or a crossbreed of a pet and a wild animal. If it was a species, we would of course also be interensted to know if it can only be found in Madrid or as well in other parts of Spain, maybe even of Europe. It is also still a mystery how it evolved and for how long it has been existing in it's current shape.
Finally there is questions about it`s nutrition, upbringing of offspring and sleeping places. Some people even wonder if it might not be dangerous for humans in certain situations.
All of these questions are to be answered so we are happy to welcome all sort of professional scientists in our team!

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