Tuesday, May 11, 2010

10-year-old discovers unknown animal

MADRID Last weekend a 10-year-old boy watched a strange animal when walking his dog in the late evening hours. He discribed it to his parents as cowlike but in the size of a dog or a cat.
First they wouldn't believe him, asuming he only wanted to draw their attention off the fact he had been out that late at night. As the boy kept on insisting, his father accompanied him the next day to Madrid's Parque del Oeste, where the child claimed to have seen the unknown animal.
Not beeing lucky in the daytime, father and son retured again in the night and actually managed to catch another glimpse of the animal. "It is unbelievable! This beeing is living in the middle of a metropolis and nowone has seen it so far! We wonder if the species has evolved from runaway pets or if it might be extraterrestrial" comments Señor M., the boy's father.
Although the animal didn't seem dangerous on first glance, the parent decided to inform the police. "They thought we were crazy, but anyway we didn't really expect them to believe us, as we hadn't even believed our own son when he first told us" sais Señor M. but he adds quickly: "The whole family is very exited now and wants to keep on investigating about that misterious animal!"

This blog was created to inform the public about all further investigations and to gather information. If you can give any hints or have also seen this beeig in the past, please help us to find out more about it! We are happy about all kinds of information, such as fotos, descriptions or sketches of the animal or places where it has been seen.

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